Critical Reflection Draft 2 (Final)

At the beginning of the trimester, I’ve set some goals for myself. I’d like to enhance my ability to deliver messages effectively to the audience whenever I present and also improve my confidence in presentations so as to know how to control my stage fright. Those are the 2 long-term goals that I’ll like to achieve throughout my life as a confident speaker. I’ve been proud to notice my improvement for both of the 2 goals mentioned in my actual presentation where I was able to achieve the 2 set objectives for myself. This was accomplished through a number of rehearsals within my own team as well as getting constructive feedbacks from the team members regarding how I can improve on my own presentation. However, I’ve also realised certain mistakes that I was making during the presentation itself. As such, to ensure continual learning, I’ll always do rehearsals for formal presentations again in the future and continue to gather feedbacks from the audience so as to improve my public speaking skills.

Throughout our project in motion sensor, I’ve realised that teamwork is extremely important. Every team member has their own strengths and weaknesses. Some of us are better in doing the script typing, some have more ideas in the report that can provide the team numerous options to select from our report topic. Thus, it’s necessary to split up the work between team members who specialise more in their own areas to effectively contribute to the learning outcomes. However, after working with my team in the report, I’ve realised that our team did not know what areas we could improve on from each section of the report while working on it. We mainly waited till the end of the report for consultation. Thus, one area of improvement will be to consult the professor more frequently while working on the report.


Edited on 1st Dec, 1am

Edited on 1st Dec, 2:30am

Edited on 1st Dec, 10:48pm

Blogs read and commented:

Yong Quan, Claudia, Jerome Teng (Group 5)

One thought on “Critical Reflection Draft 2 (Final)”

  1. Thank you, Jun Peng, for submitting multiple drafts of this assignment. You do a good job reflecting on your two original goals and discussing how through the module you were able to address those. You also address the second part of this assignment by focusing on the value of teamwork. Your takeaway that a team would probably need to have multiple consultations with a supervisor is clearly apt.

    All the best as you continue your learning journey!


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